Slow Roasted Tomato Hummus

This is a two part recipe and one that we all need.

First, let’s talk hummus.  Homemade hummus is easy and should be a staple in your fridge.  If you are not using dry chick peas and cooking them from scratch, make sure you use really good quality canned ones.  My favourite are the ones that come in a jar.  I find them in my local Italian grocery store – tthe brand is Le Conserve della nonna in 284ML jars.  Next up, make sure you use a tahini that is sweet and runny, THIS is my favourite.    I also really like THIS one.  Don’t measure.  I am so tempted not give you an actual recipe for hummus because I never measure – I go by taste and feel.  There is so much variation from tahini to tahini and lemon size that it makes no sense to lock you into a recipe.  So really, just go by feel.

Put the garlic in the processor first, give it a whirl, and then add the chickpeas, cumin and a good pour of tahini.  Add a few tablespoons of ice water and the same amount lemon.  Run the food processor and then taste your hummus.  You will need to thin it out and process it until it’s silky smooth.  Start thinning it with lemon or water, depending on the first taste.  Is it lemony enough? Then thin it with water.  Bland? Then thin with more lemon first and then a little water.  And keep it processing – you want it smooth and creamy.

Now for the tomatoes!  Not to worry…you still have time.  Plum tomatoes are still in season.  My best advice is to take the time and make a lot of these and freeze them.  Putting them on hummus is just one delicious way to use them.  Be creative!  Add them to soups, pasta sauce or on crostini layered with goats cheese.  

Let’s get going and let me know how you like this delicious combo!

Slow Roasted Tomato Hummus

Servings 6


For the Hummus

  • 1 (19 oz.) can chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed*
  • 2 cloves fresh garlic
  • ½-¾  cup tahini (also called sesame paste)
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt, more to taste
  • ½-1 tsp. ground cumin, or to taste
  • ⅛ – ¼ tsp. cayenne powder
  • ½ cup cold water or more as needed

For the Tomatoes

  • 16-24 roma tomatoes or large cherry tomatoes, 1 lb
  • 2 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt 
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped finely
  • Large pinch of best quality Greek oregano, I like the one dried on the branches
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves removed and chopped finely or large pinch of dried thyme leaves
  • 2 tsp.. sugar

Putting it Together

  • 1-2 tsp Zaatar, optional
  • Olive oil to drizzle
  • Flaked sea salt


For the Hummus

  • Place the garlic into the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade.  Process until chopped.
  • Add the chickpeas and process until chopped and close to a paste.
  • Add tahini, lemon juice, salt, cumin, cayenne pepper, process.
  • Drizzle in water.  Process again.  Add more water and lemon juice as needed to thin the hummus to desired consistency, you may also add more tahini if you like a smoother texture.

For the Tomotoes

  • Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment; heat the oven to 300˚F.
  • Cut each tomato in half in the circumference.  Place on the prepared baking sheet, drizzle the oil over the tomatoes, sprinkle with the salt, garlic, pepper and herbs.
  • Lay the tomatoes cut side up.  Make sure that the tomatoes have lots of space between each other so that the heat can circulate.  Make sure that all the oil, garlic and herbs are over the tops of the tomatoes. Sprinkle the tomatoes with sugar.
  • Roast the tomatoes for 2-3 hours (depends on the size and ripeness).  The tomatoes should look shrunken, mostly dried out but still with a tiny bit of wetness to them.  You should be able to pick up a tomato without it losing much of its shape.
  • Use right away or store in the fridge for 2-3 days or in the freezer for 6 months.

Putting it Together

  • Spread the hummus on a plate, making indentations with the back of a spoon. Sprinkle with zaatar.
  • Lay about 5-6 tomatoes over part of the hummus. See photo.
  • Drizzle all over with oil and sprinkle with salt.


*Cooks Note:  Most traditionalist would say that cooking chickpeas from scratch is the only way to make proper hummus and while I might agree, I have found an almost perfect substitution.  Cooked chickpeas by Le Conserve Della Nonna in a 248mL jar.  If you ever see these, pick them up, they make a super smooth hummus.
Cooks Note:  You can double this recipe (you will need two cookie sheets to allow for circulation space) and freeze the tomatoes at this point and use them as needed.